Wednesday, February 28, 2007


We've heard by now that Algore is the biggest hypocrite of them all. With his $30k annual utility bills and toxic carbon jet-setting around the country, for him to receive ANY award from the Hollywould left for environmentalism is abomitable. Any conservative would have been drawn and quartered. Algore gets hugs, kisses, and a gold trophy for his "efforts" of being greener than the rest of us.

Well, I've had enough. I'm enrolling in Iowahawk's therapy program for ecologically insensitive people. That being said, it is with great pride that I post the following advertisements:

Now, I have some snow to plow with my 8.1L big block that gets 10 miles to the gallon that goes anywhere and beats the snot out of my rented Pirus in the quarter-mile.