Friday, March 30, 2007

Louisiana 5th graders go at it during assembly

While other students were attending a school assembly to talk about an incident last weekend where a 15 year old student stabbed another student to death, some fifth graders were mistakenly left alone for 30 minutes. See the entire article here.

One teacher commented that the students run the school. Cussing and throwing things at teachers...One kid even grabbed a teacher by the backside - and nothing was done. The first year teacher sounds genuinely concerned that there is no discipline in their school.

The principal (whose job it is to maintain order) said, "This is one incident and everyone is making a big deal out of it. I never had a teacher complain to me, but I have heard them complain to each other." What a guy...he must be the monkey that hears no evil.

Now I know why when parents complain to principals at Baraboo schools, nothing changes. Some don't even listen to their teachers. I guess it depends WHO provides the principal the feedback whether or not they get off their dead a** and do anything about a problem. More sensitive people might call it "selective enforcement of the rules."

How bad do things need to get before our school board sees the incompetence of some Baraboo School District administrators - and when are they going to make changes? I thought the school board worked for the community, not the administration.

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