Sunday, January 21, 2007

Hillary announces, says she'll restore America's leadership & respect around world

It's official. Hillary wants in. She says she wants to have a conversation with America. Maybe that's so we can get our points of view off our chests so she can dismiss them as being too extreme or being part of the "vast right wing conspiracy." Maybe it's to get the headbobbers all lined up so she can separate $50 million from other people. Calling George Soros!

The MSM (mainstream media) is already swooning for the former First Lady who said:
'"It was a thorough review for me about the problems we confront in the country, the particular strengths and talents I would bring both to the race and the White House," Clinton said. "I concluded, based on the work of my lifetime and my experience and my understanding of what our country has to confront in order to continue to make opportunity available to all of our citizens here and to restore our leadership and respect of America around the world, that I would be able to do that — to bring our country together to meet those tough challenges," she said.'

Well, let's see...we have Whitewatergate, Vince Foster's mysterious death, the honorable McDougal's as good friends and business partners, Travelgate, Hillarycare, Webster Hubbellgate, missing records from the Rose Law firm and their mysterious reappearance two years later in the White House, a woman called "a congenital liar" by William Saphire, wrongly collected background checks of Republicans by the FBI in 1993 (requested by the White House), Governor Jim Guy Tucker of Arkansas-gate, Corporal cueball James Carville defending, Monica-gate...Need I go on??

Sen. Clinton has an extensive resume' yet no accomplishments. The carpetbagger from Arkansas does, however, bring with her an extensive history of controversey, lies, coverups, and associates of questionable integrity.

It's time to get back to basics. Let's start with the ABC's: Anybody But the Clintons.

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