Saturday, January 27, 2007

Sen. Kerry Blasts U.S. Foreign Policy

DAVOS, Switzerland (AP) -
Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry slammed the foreign policy of the Bush administration on Friday, saying it has caused the United States to become "a sort of international pariah."
The statement came as the 2004 Democratic presidential nominee responded to a question about whether the U.S. government had failed to adequately engage Iran's government before the election of hard-liner Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in 2005.

Kerry said the Bush administration has failed to adequately address a number of foreign policy issues.

"When we walk away from global warming, Kyoto, when we are irresponsibly slow in moving toward AIDS in Africa, when we don't advance and live up to our own rhetoric and standards, we set a terrible message of duplicity and hypocrisy," Kerry said.

"So we have a crisis of confidence in the Middle East - in the world, really. I've never seen our country as isolated, as much as a sort of international pariah for a number of reasons as it is today."

For readers that don't know, pariah = outcast.
BTW - I haven't seen Kerry's criticism of China's non-compliance with Kyoto. Did I miss something?

Maybe it's just another bad joke by Kerry. Somebody was watching over us when this guy was defeated in his run for the presidency.

Updated: H/T Hot Air for the video. Treasonous.

1 comment:

Steve Burri said...

I hear Kerry's favorite NASCAR drivers are Tony Stewart and Junior... treasonous, indeed!